Proteomics research refers to the study of all proteins expressed in the genome. Proteomics can not only provide a theoretical basis for studying the laws of life activities, but also provide data for disease mechanisms and drug development. With the development of technology, mass spectrometry has become one of the main technical means to study proteomics. Mass spectrometry-based proteomics can not only provide ideas for new drug design but also provide molecular markers for the early diagnosis of diseases. Creative Proteomics has built a cutting-edge mass spectrometry technology platform to provide mass spectrometry-based proteomics services to customers around the world.

Creative Proteomics provides strong technical support and guarantees for proteomics research. We can characterize, quantify, and sequence proteins using high-resolution mass spectrometry facilities. The basic steps are total protein extraction after sample collection, and then digested and cleaved proteins into peptide fragments using digestive enzymes. The cleaved polypeptides are separated by HPLC, and then classified into the MS electric field for further ionization, and the mass-to-charge ratio of each ion and the peak map of the mass spectrum are obtained by MS. Finally, the data information is obtained through software calculation and database comparison to obtain various information of proteins.
Creative Proteomics offers proteomic analysis services that provide a holistic view of the dynamically changing protein composition, expression levels, and modification status in the organism, and an understanding of protein interactions and associations. We accept a wide range of sample types including cells, plant and animal tissues, body fluids, dried protein powders, protein solutions, and complex protein mixtures, and provide one-stop service from sample preparation to data delivery.
The services we can provide are as follows.
Creative Proteomics offers protein identification services using a variety of mass spectrometry techniques for a wide range of sample types, including cells, plant and animal tissues, body fluids, SDS-PAGE protein bands, protein dots, and immunoprecipitated samples. We provide our customers with information on protein types and structures in samples.
Creative Proteomics can rapidly identify a variety of protein modifications, including but not limited to phosphorylation, glycosylation, ubiquitination, nitrosylation, methylation, acetylation, lipidation, and protein hydrolysis, to assist you in cell biology, disease diagnosis, and disease prevention and other related research.
Quantitative analysis of proteins helps researchers understand the state of the proteome over time and under different conditions. Creative Proteomics provides accurate quantitative identification of all proteins in complex mixed systems to advance new drug development and disease marker discovery.
This service can complete protein end (N- or C-terminal) sequencing, de novo sequencing of proteins, analysis of mutation sites, etc. Creative Proteomics accepts a variety of protein samples to analyze the high-level structure of proteins for you to help drug development.
Creative Proteomics uses mass spectrometry to identify proteins that interact with a specific protein in an experiment, thereby identifying the protein-specific interactions that contribute to the study of protein structure and function.
Creative Proteomics uses matrix-assisted laser-resolved ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and other techniques to determine the molecular weight of proteins for amino acid sequence determination, structure determination of unknowns, drug development, and drug metabolism analysis.
Creative Proteomics utilizes electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) to analyze intact proteins for protein identification, sequence analysis, and post-translational modification characterization, etc.
Creative Proteomics uses techniques such as tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to identify peptides after enzymatic digestion, providing a comprehensive view of all protein forms, including those with PTM and sequence variants.
Creative Proteomics, a leader in mass spectrometry-based analysis services, can provide you with comprehensive and customizable mass spectrometry-based proteomics analysis services. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us .
The service is for research only, not for clinical use.